Metered Paywall

Slide backgroundMetered Paywall:
stop giving your best work away!
"What we had was a sort of suicidal form of economics, that is - giving our journalism away for free."James Harding - The Times

Protect your content

The most secure protection system based on both cookies and IP restrictions

Give value to your work

Keep your content exclusive and acquire new customers without sacrificing valuable traffic and advertising revenue

Generate new revenues

Capture digital- subscribers and increase your print edition sales

Useful for…



IT Directors

Why Paywall?

Tecnavia’s website Paywall offers a turnkey setup for securely protecting the content of your choice.
It is flexible and customized for each publisher, so that you can build your ideal registration and subscription offers.

Advantages for publishers

Newspapers that protect their content and keep it exclusive, remain the trusted source of high quality journalism in their communities which results in higher website traffic and advertising revenues.

Advantages for advertisers

  • Paid subscribers are a more engaged audience
  • Registration provides demographic information for more targeted advertising

Personalize your Paywall

Type of content

Choose among free, metered or metered with limits by sections or specific arguments
e.g. Paywall with 8 free articles, but only 3 in the sports section

Time customization

You can read free content available in a defined amount of time
e.g. one time, one day, one week , one month
The articles already read are not counted again for a certain
period of time
e.g.1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours

Typical messages

All pop-ups are configurable by position, graphical layout, text and dimensions, and provide you
the ability to determine which messages to display and when.

When you access protected content, a pop-up displays a notification that the website requires a subscription after a certain number of free articles are readWelcome message
A pop-up displays the number of remaining free articlesFirst message
A pop-up displays the number of free articles leftRemaining article message
A pop-up displays a final article noticeLast message
A Subscription prompt provides the user with the subbscription options or allows them to return them to the homepagePaywall

Bundle offers

Bundle your web, mobile and tablet into high value subscription packages!

Single Sign-On

Just ONE username and password for a unique database:

with Single Sign-On you can offer various subscription options
according to the type of device, user and content.

Cloud and flexible solutions

Seamless integration with your existing website and CMS.

Easy to install

Your Paywall is live with a simple and quick installation process that
let’s you start making money on your premium content right away!

Few lines of code to your website
SDK libraries for Android and iOS Apps
No hardware or software
Quick setup time

Real-time reporting

Analytics by platform (web and wap-HTML5 on iOS and Android, iOS and Android Apps) and by user groups (unregistered or registered).

Statistics graphs

  • Number of page views

    per edition, per period of time

  • Number of unique subscribers

    per day, per hour

  • By user groups

    unregistered, registered

  • By platform

    web and wap-HTML5 on ios and Android, iOS and Android Apps

Why Tecnavia?

  • Flexible
  • Easy to use
  • Customizable
  • Competitive pricing
  • Secure content protection system based on both cookies and IP restrictions
  • Payments remain in your control
  • Just one password for a unique database to have complete control of your readers and your business: Single Sign-On
  • Real-time reporting available
  • Full control of your customer (retain customer data and support)
  • No revenue shares required
  • Technical support 24/7 – 365/year